Another great review

Sorry about this, but I just have to share with you the latest review of "Confessions of an English Psychopath" that's just been posted on Amazon - here it is:

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
"Nothing about the title of this book (Confessions of an English Psychopath) would lead you to believe that it would be amusing, but amusing it was! Even worse, I found the protagonist to be actually quite likeable in a weird kind of way!

When our protagonist, Lawrence Odd is recruited to the British Secret Service, he's discovered his dream job. Working for The 'Cleaning' Department ( and we're not talking polish and a feather duster) he's given license to kill without any comeback. He develops the most ingenious methods with which to despatch his victims, and becomes the favoured one, the one to tackle the most difficult assignments. However, even the favoured ones can become a liability!

Gosh, this was a very different read and it wouldn't be for everyone, but here we have a really unique writer and I loved his tongue in cheek humour. The characters were superb, and the narrative ensured that I didn't put this down for long. Unusual but compelling read."

Grab the book now before I come to my senses and put the price up!

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